
Biograd I


Biograd II


Biograd III


Biograd IV


Drage I


Drage II

Pakoštane I


Pakoštane II




Sukošan I


Sukošan II


Sukošan III


Sukošan IV


Sukošan V


Sukošan VI


Sukošan VII


Sukošan VIII


Sukošan IX


Sukošan X


Zadar I


Zadar II


Zadar III


Zadar IV

Gloria d.o.o.


Djelatnosti tvrtke:


Upravljanje zgradama

     Jedna od naših djelatnosti je upravljanje stambenim zgradama. Organiziramo naplatu pričuve i sve ostale naknade u vezi sa korištenjem stambenih objekata te vodimo brigu o održavanju zajedničkih prostora.

     Zakonske smjernice za nas u Međuvlasnički Ugovor sklopljen između suvlasnika stambenih ili poslovnih zgrada i Ugovoru o upravljanju u kojem su definirani odnosi između naše tvrtke i suvlasnika u tim zgradama te naravno važećim zakonskim odredbama.

     Upravitelj i odabrani predstavnik suvlasnika neposredno surađuju pri rješavanju tekućih obveza nesmetanog funkcioniranja stambene zgrade te neposredno rade na održavanju nekretnine te ulaganje u nju kako bi se njezina vrijednost povećala.

     Našim klijentima smo uvijek osobno na raspolaganju za sva pitanja te nam je osobni odnos i povjerenje jedan od najbitnijih temelja naše tvrtke.


Briga o nekretninama

     U poslu kao upravitelji susretali smo se sa situacijama da imamo vlasnike stanova koji samo povremeno borave u njima te ostatak godine ne znaju kome povjeriti skrb nad njihovom nekretninom. U skladu sa tim mi Vam nudimo mogučnost da i tu brigu možete povjeriti nama. Ovisno o potrebama i željama mi imamo dva osnovna paketa koja nudimo svojim partnerima a to su:

Briga o nekretnini:
Redoviti obilazak nekretnine
Temeljito provjetravanje stana i brisanje prašine
Provjeravanje evenualno nastalih kvarova te uklanjanje istih ( kvarovi na raličitim instalacijama)
Prikupljanje pošte, skeniranje i slanje vlasniku e-mailom
Ovaj paket stoji 220 kn mjesečno a sadrži dva izlaska mjesečno

Prikupljanje pošte:
Dolazak na nekretninu
Prikupljanje pošte, skeniranje i slanje e-mailom vlasniku
Ovaj paket stoji 120 kn mjesečno a sadrži dva izlaska mjesečno
     Da bi naše usluge bile kompletne u brizi i njezi oko Vaše nekretnine ili stambene i poslovne zgrade odlučili smo Vam ponuditi program čišćenja i održavanja  stambenih i poslovnih prostora od grubih čišćenja novoizgrađenih objekata do standardnog i generalnog čišćenja i održavanja.
Standardno čišenje i održavanje stanova: 
Jednokratno čišćenje 60kn/h
Redovno čišćenje uz ugovornu obvezu 45kn/h

Generalno čišćenje stanova: 
Stanovi do 55m² 10kn/m²
Stanovi od 55m² do 90m² 8kn/m²
Stanovi iznad 90m² 7kn/m²
Čišćenje prozora 10kn/m²

Čišćenje objekta nakon adaptacije: 
Objekat do 400 m² 10kn/m²
Objekat od 400m² 8kn/m²

Čišćenje stubišta: 
Zgrada do četiri kata jednokratno 150kn
Zgrada od četiri kata i više 22kn po stanu

Jednokratno čišćenje vrta 25kn/m²

     Za utvrđivanje cijene redovitog održavanja vrta potrebno je utvrditi potrebne radove te po njima formirati cijenu.

     Cijene su informativne te za konačnu cijenu potrebno je napraviti procijenu objekta za čišćenje.

     Za sve upite nam se slobodno obratite.


Gloria d.o.o.

Bukovačka 25
23210 Biograd n/M
IBAN HR8024020061100679898


Tel: 091-3366-344 (Izabela)
Fax: 023-386-011
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gloria d.o.o.


Company activities:



Building Management

     One of our activities is the management of residential buildings. We organize the collection of reserves and all other fees related to the use of residential buildings and take care of the maintenance of common areas.

     Legal guidelines for us in the Inter-contract concluded between the co-owners of residential or commercial buildings and management contract that defines relations between our company and the co-owners in these buildings, and of course the applicable legal provisions.

     Manager and co-owner of the selected representative directly cooperate in solving current liabilities smooth functioning of the residential building and immediately work to maintain the property and invest in it in order to maximize its value.

     Our clients are always personally available to answer your questions and our personal relationship and trust one of the most important foundations of our company.


Real estate tendance

     As managers we met with the situations that we have landlords who only occasionally stay in them and the rest of the year they do not know whom to entrust the care of their property. Accordingly we provide the possibility that the care you entrust us. Depending on the needs and desires we have two basic packages that we offer to our partners, such as:

Taking care of the property:
Regular check
Thoroughly ventilating and dusting
Checking eventual incurred damage and damage removal (failures on various caps installations)
Collection of mail, scanning and sending the owner by e-mail
This package costs 220 kn per month and includes two visits a month

Collecting mail:
Arrival at the property
Collecting mail, scanning and sending e-mail to the owner
This package costs 120 kn per month and includes two visits a month
     To make our services complete we decided to offer a program of cleaning and maintenance of residential and commercial area.
Standard cleaning and maintenance of apartments: 
One-time cleaning 60kn/h
Regular cleaning with a contractual obligation 45kn/h

General cleaning of apartments: 
Apartments up to 55m² 10kn/m²
Apartments from 55m² to 90m² 8kn/m²
Apartments bigger than 90m² 7kn/m²
Cleaning windows 10kn/m²

Cleaning the building after renovation: 
Building up to 400 m² 10kn/m²
Building bigger than 400m² 8kn/m²

Cleaning the stairs: 
Buildings up to four floors (one-time) 150kn
The four floors building and bigger 22kn per aptmnt

One-time cleaning of the garden 25kn/m²

     To determine the cost of regular maintenance of the garden it is necessary to establish the necessary works and the two form a price.

     The prices are informative and the final price is necessary to make an estimate of the facility for cleaning.

     For any queries feel free to contact us.


Gloria d.o.o.

Bukovačka 25
23210 Biograd n/M
IBAN HR8024020061100679898


Tel: 091-3366-344 (Izabela)
Fax: 023-386-011
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Biograd I

Biograd II

Biograd III

Biograd IV

Drage I

Drage II

Pakoštane I


Pakoštane II


Sukošan I

Sukošan II

Sukošan III

Sukošan IV

Sukošan V

Zadar I

Zadar II

Zadar III

Zadar IV

List of our previous projects

logo inside
Luxury homes

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The Quark template fully uses LESS language for generating the CSS files of the template. Thanks to the built-in LESS parser you can forget about additional LESS compilers - if you enable the template built in compiler then after every change in the template less files you will get new css files.

The LESS language features are described in the official documentation page.

Please remember that if you decide to modify the *.css files you shouldn't enable the LESS parser - after enabling it you will lose your CSS changes - it will be overwriten by the code based on the not modified *.less files.

The LESS compiler can be enabled under the template advanced settings:

Please remember that the LESS parser should be enabled only while you are editing your LESS files - it needs relatively big amount of server resources and will cause slower page loading time. That's why please remember to disable the LESS compiler after finishing the *.less files modifications.

The LESS files are located under the less directory. Most of the files are loaded inside the main.less file which transform into the template.css file. Thanks to that we have limited amount of the CSS files request while you still have separate files like template.less, gk.stuff.less, k2.less etc.

The most important feature is fact that you can change easily the template colors and font-sizes using one file - variables.less. This file contains a variables with basic colors and font-sizes used inside the template CSS code. By changing one variable i.e. @primary_color, you can change the whole template colors.